Pieteikšanās līderības programmai Zviedrijā
27. maijs, 2024 pl. 14:28,
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Organizāciju un biedrību pārstāvji!

Iespēja jau šoruden piedalīties līderības programmas online meistarklasēs, kā arī doties uz Zviedriju, lai apmeklētu visveiksmīgākos sociālos uzņēmējus!

Then don’t miss the Open Call to apply for Impact Pioneers ‘24, a new 8-week hybrid leadership programme organised by Svenska institutet in collaboration with
Kicking off in autumn, the programme will mix online networking and masterclasses with first-hand insights and experience from visits to some of Sweden’s most successful impact entrepreneurship environments!
Link to the registration page: www.si.se/impactpioneers - help us spread the word 

The call is open for applications from the following countries:
AFRICA: Kenya, Rwanda, Nigeria, Uganda, Zambia, South Africa
ASIA: India, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Indonesia,Thailand, Philippines
EUROPE: Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbadjan, Moldova, Georgia, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Sweden
Let’s pioneer the possible, together!
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